If we go back ten years, people assume that manipulating Google’s algorithm and using false tactics could rank their page on top. Competition in the digital world has increased rapidly, and people have used the wrong SEO tactics to rank their websites.
Google’s algorithm was less advanced at that time; however, with time, Google’s algorithm changed so drastically that it could also detect minute web spam.
The wrong tactics can give your site a temporary boost, but this is not as effective in the long run as it sounds.
Le long terme et manière éthique d'augmenter le classement de votre site Web est en utilisant techniques de construction de liens white-hat.
Qu'est-ce que le Black-Hat Link Building en SEO ?
Chapeau noir link building is a practice that violates search engine guidelines to rank your website higher in search results than it is supposed to through organic search. It involves using black-hat link-building techniques and manipulating Google et Consignes aux webmasters de Bing à créer des liens. Black-hat link building is an unethical way of search engine optimization, as illegal tactics are used for le renforcement des liens.
If you use black-hat tactics continuously, they will cause more damage to your presence in the SERPs than they will improve, and they can lead to your website being penalized or even permanently deindexed.
- Website owners work hard to maintain the spirit of Google’s basic principles and guidelines, and they will provide a better user experience and eventually enjoy a better ranking than those who are looking for failles dans l'algorithme qu'ils peuvent exploiter.
- Si vous pensez qu'un a site is abusing Google’s Quality Guidelines, you can file un rapport de spam and help Google improve its spam detection systems.
Techniques de référencement Black-Hat à éviter
1) Bourrage de mots clés
Il s'agit de charger une page Web avec mots clés, phrases, or numbers to manipulate a website’s rank in SERPs. These keywords appear continuously in a list or group. This results in a bad user experience and can degrade your site’s ranking. It is better to focus on creating meaningful content that uses keywords appropriately and not out of context.
Des exemples de bourrage de mots clés incluent:
A List of phone numbers without substantial added value, blocks of text that list cities and states that a webpage is trying to rank for, and repetition of the same words so often that it sounds unnatural, as shown in the above example.
2) Dissimulation
It is a practice of showing different content or URLs to users and search engines, which violates Google’s guidelines.
Voici des exemples de camouflage :
Showing a page of HTML text to search engines while showing photos to users, inserting text or keywords on a page only when the user agent requesting the page is a search engine, not a human user, etc.
3) Redirections sournoises
When a visitor is sent to a different URL than the one initially requested, that is known as a redirect. If you are moving your site to a new address, it is a good idea to redirect from one URL to another, but some redirects are deceptive to search engines. Some display content to users that is different from that made available to crawlers.
Suppose you redirect a user to a different page to show content other than what was made available to a search engine crawler. When a redirect is executed by this method, a search engine may index the parent page rather than follow the redirect while users are taken to the redirect target. Sneaky redirects are deceptive as they attempt to show different content to users and Googlebot. It takes a visitor to a different destination than where they expected to go.
Voici des exemples de redirections sournoises :
Users may receive a normal page on a PC, while cell phone users are redirected to an entirely different spam domain; users are shown one type of content, while search engines are shown something else.
Some redirects are legitimate, such as redirecting users to an internal page using JavaScript or 301 redirects.
4) Schémas de liens
All those links that aim to manipulate a website’s rank in Google search results violate Google’s guidelines. Such links are a part of a link scheme. All the practices that manipulate backlinks to your site are a part of the link scheme, too.
Quelques exemples de schémas de liens pouvant impacter le classement de votre site dans les SERP :
- Acheter des backlinks, exchanging money, goods, or services for links, or sending a free product in exchange for links are all ways to acquire backlinks.
- Excessive link exchanges like ‘ Link to me, and I’ll link to you. ‘
- Utilisez des services automatiques pour former des liens vers votre site.
- I am taking a link as part of the terms of service or contract.
- Créer des liens non naturels.
Quelques exemples de liens non naturels qui enfreignent les consignes de Google :
- Liens largement distribués dans les pieds de page de nombreux sites.
- In advertising, payment is received for content with links that pass PageRank.
- Liens avec texte d'ancrage optimisé dans le contenu diffusé sur d'autres sites Web.
- Low-quality or keyword-rich links are embedded in widgets that go across various sites.
- Commentaires du forum avec des liens dans le message ou la signature.
If you think a site uses link schemes, you can informez Google.
5) Contenu gratté
Copier le contenu d'autres sites Web de haut niveau en supposant que l'augmentation de la longueur du contenu est une bonne stratégie plutôt que de se concentrer sur le caractère unique de votre contenu. Les utilisateurs ne considéreront pas votre contenu copié comme ayant une quelconque valeur utile. Parfois, cela peut également entraîner des problèmes de droits d'auteur. Il est préférable de mettre l'accent sur la création de contenu différent des autres sites Web.
Voici des exemples de grattage :
- Sites Web qui copient le contenu d'autres sites Web sans ajouter de contenu original.
- Les sites Web modifient le contenu copié en utilisant des synonymes et en le republiant.
- Sites qui intègrent du contenu comme des images ou des vidéos d'autres sites Web sans aucune valeur utile pour l'utilisateur.
6) Abuser du balisage des données structurées
Structured data are rich snippets and schema that make you change how your content is displayed on SERPs. Reviews schema markup is one of the most common and popular structured data types. Black Hat SEO or Link Building involves providing wrong information in structured data to fool search engines and users. Google has a specific set of guidelines that apply to all structured data.
We must follow the guidelines to enable structured data to be eligible for inclusion in Google Search results. Those websites that violate the content guidelines will be ineligible for SERP results. To maintain a good quality search experience for users.
Disregarding their normal optimization processes can result in Google penalties; consequently, you should investigate how some Sociétés de référencement du Colorado run their business because they are considered to be pioneers in this field.
7) Pages de porte
Doorways are websites or pages that users create to rank for the same search queries. It can lead to multiple pages in search results, which is not a good user experience.
Exemples de portes :
- Les utilisateurs créent des pages Web pour des requêtes de recherche plutôt que pour répondre aux besoins d'un utilisateur.
- Générer des pages ciblées sur des régions ou des villes spécifiques qui dirigent les utilisateurs vers une seule page.
8) Creating pages with malicious behavior
Installing software on our websites that behaves out of context for users, such as malware, trojans, ads, viruses, etc., is a violation of Google’s Webmaster Guidelines. Anything that manipulates content on a page strangely downloads files on a user’s device without their consent or goes against Google’s Unwanted Software Policy is malicious behavior. Google’s guidelines aim to give users the most related search results and keep them safe on the web.
We have given an overview of Black-hat link building and its techniques. You should never use black-hat link building to increase your website’s rank. We should always focus on creating content for users, not search engines, and follow pratiques de création de liens white-hat.
PS: Consultez les Alternatives au Buzzsumo Bloguez ici !
Questions Fréquemment Posées
Qu'est-ce que la création de liens chapeau noir ?
La création de liens Black Hat utilise des techniques contraires à l'éthique pour générer du trafic vers votre site Web en manipulant les algorithmes des moteurs de recherche.
Qu'est-ce que la création de liens white hat ?
Création de liens chapeau blanc uses techniques synchronized with Google’s or other search engine guidelines.
En savoir plus sur white hat link-building
Comment les backlinks aident-ils le référencement ?
Les backlinks sont importants pour le référencement car ils représentent un vote de confiance d'un site à l'autre. Ils signalent à Google qu'une autre ressource trouve votre contenu suffisamment précieux pour être lié à celui-ci.