Google’s Mobile-First Indexing Transition Nears End

Google's Mobile-First Indexing Transition Nears End

The final mobile-first indexing batch should be completed over the next few months, according to Google’s John Mueller, though he admitted that he could be mistaken. According to John’s tweets, desktop indexing will still be employed for “a very small number of sites.” This procedure began more than six years ago.

John stated that the final round of mobile indexing would be arriving soon in November 2022. Prior to that, he stated that the final batch would arrive in July 2022, but in August, he stated that they were still not finished.

Recall that in November 2016, more than six years ago, Google launched its mobile-first indexing program. However, there are still certain sites that will transition from Google’s desktop-first indexing to its mobile-first indexing at the end of 2022.

Yes, Google eliminated the mandated mobile-first indexing switchover deadline in November of last year.

Remember that in March we said that Google would soon start converting the last batch of websites to mobile-first indexing, and in May 2021 we said that the conversion to mobile-first indexing had not been finished.

This came about after the deadline for mobile-first indexing was pushed back from September 2020 to March 2021.

Even in 2023, Google will still be transitioning certain sites to mobile-first indexing.

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