Slack Community Privacy Policy
Marketing Lad
Thank you for visiting the Marketing Lad website. Your privacy is important to us, and we want you to feel comfortable using our website. This privacy policy describes the types of information we collect from and about you when you visit our website, how we use and disclose that information, and the steps we take to protect your privacy.
Data Collection:
We collect your name, email, and LinkedIn profile for individual verification purposes.
Use of Data:
The data is exclusively used by Marketing Lad for marketing and analytics purposes.
Data Sharing:
No data is shared with third-party entities.
Data Security:
We adhere to Slack's security measures as detailed in Slack's security practices.
Terms and Conditions
Community Guidelines:
#guest-posting: For guest posting requests only.
#discussions: For link-building/SEO discussions.
#promotion: For promoting and upvoting content.
#introduce-yourself: For new member introductions.
#random-chats: For any non-topic specific conversations.
#seo_news: For sharing SEO news.