The work with digital public goods and the digitization initiatives in India have been amazing, Microsoft Chairman and CEO Satya Nadella said on Tuesday, highlighting cloud and artificial intelligence as two imperatives driving India’s technology-based economic growth. In his keynote address at the Microsoft Future Ready Leadership Summit in this city, he predicted that by 2025, the majority of apps will be built on cloud-native infrastructure and nearly 90% of digital workloads will be deployed on cloud-native platforms.
When describing his vision for a tech-enabled India, he emphasized how Microsoft is innovating across the tech stack to support the nation’s ecosystem of developers, entrepreneurs, and businesses in every industry, and how the cloud would be the cornerstone for growing India’s digital journey.
On workload, the cloud is 70%–80% energy efficient. You just use it when you need it and you protect yourself from the demand cycle. We have investments in 200+ data centers in 60+ regions. We are growing and establishing our fourth area in Hyderabad just in India. The cloud should be accessible everywhere, he said.
In order to generate data, he continued, every industrial, retail location, warehouse, and the hospital will need distributed computing.
IDC, a research group, projects that the market for public cloud services in India as a whole would develop at a CAGR of 23.1% from 2021 to 2026, reaching a value of USD 13 billion. The overall revenue for the first half of 2022 was USD 2.8 billion.
According to him, Microsoft is concentrating on six critical areas: security, collaborative business processes, re-energizing the workforce, cloud migration, data unification, and utilizing platforms for artificial intelligence (AI) models.
Microsoft estimates that less than 1% of the AI data sets generated worldwide in 2021 came from generative AI tools like ChatGPT and Dall-E, but that percentage might rise to 10% by 2025.
One of the things that are probably amazing to see is that India is at the forefront of digital infrastructure and public goods, according to Nadella.
The market for cloud adoption in India, according to Nadella, has enormous room for expansion.
The top cloud service providers in India include Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, and Amazon Web Services (AWS).
Nadella also praised India’s approach to developing its public infrastructure. He stated: “When it comes to the adoption of the cloud, we currently observe enormous momentum. In truth, when I consider Microsoft Windows, we did sell a few cloud-based servers during the client-server era. This is a totally separate game. However, I examine every company’s cloud utilization.”
Energy efficiency, according to Nadella, will be one of the main factors in future economic growth.
He claimed that when it comes to automation, artificial intelligence is the upcoming big thing.
In response to India’s projected to rise to the third-largest economy by the end of the decade, Nadella cited three factors that are advantageous for the nation: the expansion of AI initiatives, Github, and upskilling.
In the workforce, maintaining skills, taking pride in them, and getting paid for them are the most crucial factors. When education is more ongoing, that becomes magic. These three factors, he said, “I believe, give me great hope for India.