SEO Copywriting: Craft Content That Ranks And Converts

You are in the right place if you want to captivate your audience and turn them from passive browsers to loyal customers. Each section of this article is designed to equip you with the tools and knowledge you need to refine your SEO copywriting process.

By the end of this read, you will fully understand how to effectively blend SEO techniques with creative writing. You will also get actionable insights and practical examples to step up your content strategy, ensuring that your content ranks well, engages, and converts.

Let’s get into it.

7 Steps To Craft Content That Ranks & Converts In Search Engines

This guide offers 7 steps to blend SEO with compelling storytelling, ensuring your content attracts and engages effectively.

1. Understand & Match Search Intent

Creating high-quality content demands attention to detail and a deep understanding of your audience. Before you start writing, identify the intent behind the keywords you’re targeting. Search intent can be of 4 types: 

  • Informational
  • Navigational
  • Commercial
  • Transactional

Craft your content to satisfy the specific needs or questions that users have when they type keywords into a search engine. Here’s how to understand and match your content with search intent: 

Type of Search IntentDescriptionExample of Search IntentHow to Match Content
Informational IntentSearchers looking for information, answers to questions, or to learn something.“What is SEO?” or “How to bake a chocolate cake.”Create informative blog posts, guides, FAQs, how-to articles, and educational videos. Make sure the content is comprehensive and directly answers the queries.
Navigational IntentSearchers trying to reach a specific website or social media page.“YouTube” or “Facebook login”Optimize landing pages for SEO, ensure site navigation is clear, and include direct links to important pages.
Transactional IntentSearchers intend to make a purchase or complete another type of transaction.“Buy iPhone 15 Plus online”Develop detailed product pages with clear images and descriptions, include reviews, and have a straightforward purchasing process. Highlight promotions and easy checkout options.
Commercial InvestigationSearchers are trying to compare different options before making a purchase.“Best DSLR cameras 2024”Create comparison content, detailed reviews, buyer’s guides, and product specifications to help users make informed decisions. Include comparison charts and pros & cons.

2. Identify Search Terms You Can Rank For

Perform in-depth research on a particular keyword to find out what your target audience is searching for, the language they use, and the type of content they want. Here’s how to do it: 

2.1 Identify Your Core Topics

Start by listing the main topics about your business, industry, or niche. These topics represent broad areas of interest of your target audience and reflect your products, services, or information.

For example, if you run a sustainable fashion brand, your main topics might include “eco-friendly materials,” “ethical manufacturing practices,” and “sustainable fashion trends.” 

SEO Copywriting - Identify Core Topics

2.2 Use Keyword Research Tools

Use Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, Ahrefs, or Ubersuggest. These tools will help you find the keyword ideas for SEO copy based on your core topics. You’ll also get the following insights on your target search term: 

  • Search Volume: How many people search for a specific keyword indicates its popularity.
  • Competition Level/Keyword Difficulty: This Tells you how many sites are trying to rank for that keyword, showing how hard it might be to get to the top.
  • Related Queries: Offers ideas on similar keywords or phrases people are searching for.
  • Cost Per Click (CPC): Tells how much advertisers are paying for a click on ads using this keyword, hinting at its commercial value.
  • Keyword Trend: Displays whether a keyword’s popularity is increasing, stable, or decreasing over time.
  • SERP Features: Shows if there are special search result features like snippets or knowledge panels for a keyword, indicating opportunities or challenges in ranking.

Let’s take, for example, “running shoes,” as our target keyword. Searching for  “running shoes” in SEMrush, the keyword research tool presents you with search volume, keyword difficulty, cost per click (CPC) for paid advertising, and the competitive density in paid search.

The tool shows the search intent behind “running shoes,” categorizing it predominantly as commercial which shows that most people using this term are looking to purchase.

SEO Copywriting - Keyword Research Tools

Moreover, SEMrush lists relevant keywords and questions, such as “What are the best running shoes” or “How long do running shoes last,” along with their respective volumes and metrics. 

Incorporate related queries into your content to capture a larger audience within the running shoe market. Look out for keywords with a higher search volume but lower competition to increase your chances of ranking higher. This also increases your chances of connecting with more customers.

SEO Copywriting - SEMrush

2.3 Look For Long-Tail Keywords

While short, broad keywords have high search volumes, they are often highly competitive and don’t capture specific user intent. Long-tail keywords are longer, detailed phrases (like “best organic dog food” instead of just “dog food”) that precisely capture what users are looking for. They attract more qualified traffic and have a higher conversion rate.

2.4 Study Your Competitors

Analyze the keywords your competitors are targeting and ranking for. It identifies gaps in your content strategy or highlights areas where you can create stronger, more comprehensive content.

Let’s say your main focus is on healthy eating. You notice your competitors are successfully ranking for “gluten-free recipes,” but less so for “quick gluten-free meals”. You can fill in this gap and create engaging content around quick gluten-free meal options to attract a targeted audience.

2.5 Consider Related Questions & Topics

Google’s Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) offer features like “People also ask” and related searches. These will provide additional keyword ideas and insights to content writers into what users are searching for about your primary keywords. Use “Also Asked” or “Answer The Public” to find questions and topics related to your core keywords.

SEO Copywriting - People also ask

3. Structure Your Content To Be More Skimmable

Use headings, short paragraphs, and lists to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) and keep your audience interested. Here’s how to do it: 

3.1 Use Headings & Subheadings

Use headings (H1, H2, H3, etc.) to structure your SEO content logically. Your main title should be H1, followed by H2 for main sections, and H3 for subsections, etc. 

Use the primary keyword in your H1 and sprinkle keyword variations and related terms throughout the subheadings and body text. This helps search engines understand the main topics of your content.

SEO Copywriting - Headings & Subheadings

3.2 Keep Paragraphs Short

Keep your paragraphs to 2-3 sentences. This makes the content easier to read, especially on mobile devices.

3.3 Use Lists & Bullet Points

Bullet points and numbered lists help highlight important information. Numbering also makes data more digestible, allowing readers to quickly find the information they’re interested in.

4. Write Compelling Headlines

Your headline is the first thing readers see and can make or break their decision to engage with your content. Use powerful, action-oriented language that speaks directly to the benefits your readers will gain.

Here are 4 key strategies to craft headlines that grab attention and drive clicks: 

4.1 Use Numbers & Lists

Numbers instantly tell readers what to expect from your content and why it’s worth their time. For example, “7 Secrets to Rapid Weight Loss” or “10 Easy Ways to Save Money on Groceries” are specific, promise value, and are easy to digest.

4.2 Ask A Question

Questions engage readers’ curiosity and invite them to seek the answer. Make sure your question targets a problem or concern relevant to your audience. For instance, “Are You Making These SEO Mistakes?” immediately speaks to anyone concerned about their SEO efforts.

4.3 Include Powerful Adjectives & Verbs

Adjectives and verbs will add emotional punch and action to your headlines, making them more enticing. Use words like “Best,” “Essential,” or “Master” to elevate a simple headline. “Master the Art of French Cooking” sounds more appealing than “Learn French Cooking.”

4.4 Keep It Short & Sweet

A concise headline is more impactful and memorable. Aim for clarity to make sure your headline is easy to read and understand at a glance. 

For example, instead of writing ” List Foods and Ingredients to Consider Incorporating into Your Morning Meal for Boosting Health”, use the more concise “10 Superfoods for a Healthy Breakfast.” The latter is immediately understandable and appealing. Take a look at the BuzzFeed headlines to understand better.

SEO Copywriting - Concise Headline Example

5. Optimize For On-Page SEO Elements

Optimize your title tag, meta description, URL structure, and image alt attributes to boost your page’s visibility in search results.

5.1 Title Tags

Place your primary keyword at the beginning of the title tag to emphasize its importance to search engines. Keep your title under 60 characters to make sure it displays fully in search results.

An excellent example is Prosple’s homepage, a graduate hiring platform. Their title tag, “Australia’s best internships, graduate programs, and graduate jobs,” incorporates the main keywords right at the beginning. 

It reflects a deep understanding of what their audience is searching for. It’s concise and under 60 characters which ensures full display in search results.

SEO Copywriting - Title Tags

The best part, they attracted more organic traffic after aligning their content with user intent. It ranked under 3 top search results on Google when we used the MST SERP Counter.

SEO Copywriting - SERP Ranking

5.2 Meta Descriptions

A meta description is a summary of a webpage’s content that appears under the URL in search engine results. Include primary  (main search term) and secondary keywords (words or phrases related to your topic) naturally in your meta description to make your content more relevant in search queries.

Keep it under 160 characters so that the meta description doesn’t get cut off.

SEO Copywriting - Meta Descriptions

5.3 URL Structure

Use URLs that are short, and descriptive, and include your primary keyword. Avoid using unnecessary parameters or numbers. The image below will help you distinguish between a well-structured URL and one that’s less effective.

SEO Copywriting - Good vs Bad URL Structure

5.4 Alt Text For Images

Use descriptive file names and alt text for your images to improve SEO and accessibility. Make sure to include your primary keyword in the image alt text. This helps search engines understand your images better and supports users who rely on screen readers.

5.5 Internal & External Links

Use internal links to guide visitors to related content on your website. This helps keep visitors on your site longer and reduces bounce rates. Similarly, link to reputable external websites to make your content more trustworthy and give your readers extra useful information.

6. Incorporate Strong Calls to Action (CTAs)

Use clear, compelling CTAs that tell readers exactly what you want them to do next. Use phrases like “Offer ends soon,” “Limited availability,” or “Act now to save!” to make your audience feel like they need to act immediately to benefit from what you’re offering. 

For example, Grammarly invites users with “Sign Up, It’s Free!” to quickly attract sign-ups by highlighting the benefit of free access.

SEO Copywriting - Strong CTA Example

Place CTAs strategically throughout your content and at the end to guide users toward conversion. On web pages, for example, placing a CTA above the fold (the part of the page visible without scrolling) can improve visibility. Placing a CTA after providing value (e.g., at the middle or end of a helpful blog post) is also effective. 

Consider the context and test different placements to find what works best. An excellent example is this blog post on starting an eCommerce store that leverages strong CTAs throughout the article, especially at the middle and the end. It encourages readers to take action at various points, increasing the chances of conversion.

SEO Copywriting - Strategic CTA Example

Here’s how to create CTAs that effectively motivate action:

  • Keep it short and to the point to avoid overwhelming the reader.
  • Highlight the benefit or value the user will get by taking the action.
  • Make the CTA stand out visually with contrasting colors or bold text.
  • Focus on a single action you want the user to take to avoid confusion.
  • Ensure the process after clicking the CTA aligns with what was promised.
  • Create a sense of urgency with words like “now,” “today,” or “limited-time offer.”
  • Use clear, concise language that specifies exactly what you want the reader to do.
  • Use verbs that prompt immediate action, such as “Download,” “Subscribe,” or “Start.”

7. Use Social Proof & Testimonials

92% of customers trust products recommended by other users. Include testimonials, case studies, or customer reviews to build trust and credibility with your audience. Here’s how to do it:

7.1 Highlight Customer Testimonials & User reviews

Encourage satisfied customers to share their experiences in a video format because they are more engaging and persuasive than written testimonials.

Keep a section on your website where customers can leave and read reviews. High star ratings and positive reviews can significantly influence purchasing decisions. 

7.2 Display Trust Badges

Include any industry certifications, awards, or recognitions your business received. For example, if you operate an eCommerce site, display security badges like SSL certificates to reassure visitors that their data is safe.

7.3 Display Metrics & Achievements

Share the number of users, downloads, or subscribers, to show customer satisfaction. Consider, for example, our homepage which leverages successful client case studies highlighting metrics and achievements.

SEO Copywriting - Marketing Lad Case Studies


The key to successful SEO copywriting is to understand what truly matters to your audience, ensuring your pieces not only climb the search rankings but also resonate on a personal level.

Are you ready to leverage SEO copywriting to captivate and convert your audience into loyal customers?

Head towards Marketing Lad, your go-to Link Building & SEO Agency. We specialize in elevating businesses and digital marketers by crafting effective SEO strategies.

Every link built and every piece of content optimized is a step towards establishing your authority and boosting your digital presence. Explore our suite of services at Marketing Lad to create SEO-driven content that ranks, resonates, and reliably converts.


Burkhard Berger is the founder of Novum™. He helps innovative B2B companies implement modern SEO strategies to scale their organic traffic to 1,000,000+ visitors per month. Curious about what your true traffic potential is?

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