Is link Baiting a Good SEO Technique?

Today’s Internet Marketing scene is incredibly competitive, and everyone understands how tough it is to attract quality visitors. As a result, Internet marketers and SEO professionals are constantly looking for new strategies to deliver quality traffic and back links to their websites.

In traditional link building, we contact others to connect to our websites or trade links with them, but in link baiting, the content we generate attracts others and compels them to link to the site because they want to share it with their readers as well.

The aim of ideal link baiting is for people to continue spreading it until everyone on the Internet has seen it.

What is Link Baiting?

Link baiting occurs when you develop a piece of content that is so useful that other websites want to connect to it.

Good link baiting does not merely generate a few links here and there. It has the potential to generate hundreds if not thousands of high-quality connections.

Obtaining high-quality backlinks is a tried-and-true method for improving your Google ranking. It boosts your website’s authority.

Link baiting can help you gain links naturally. This means that publications choose to connect to your material rather than you seeking out and requesting links.

It does this by being extremely appealing, useful, distinctive, or provocative. It benefits both the audience reading it and the website that links to it. Link baiting can take several forms, including as follows:

  • Research study
  • Opinion piece
  • On-site tool 
  • Infographic
  • How-to guide

But there are only a few. One of the primary advantages of link baiting in SEO is that it is a scalable strategy. Other link building tactics, such as responding to HAROs or building broken links, are dependent on the availability of opportunities. And you’re reaching out to publications directly. 

Is Link Baiting Important For SEO?

Using link baiting to gain high-quality links to your website is an excellent approach to boost your SEO performance. According to Google, links continue to be one of its fundamental ranking components. 

quote on link baiting

Backlinks to your website assist establish its authority. Authority refers to how renowned your website is in your niche.

Link baiting may generate a large number of links from high-authority websites relevant to yours, making it an effective method for raising your website’s authority. And the chance to rank in Google. 

Successful Real-World Link Baiting Campaign Examples

a. IDRlabs’ Food Disgust Test


The IDRlabs Food Disgust Test invites users to rate their level of agreement with 32 statements concerning food situations. Finally, it provides a breakdown of which dietary triggers the individual is most sensitive to. 

Tests and quizzes are effective link baiting for several reasons:

  • They’re fun.
  • People are introspective beings that seek to learn about themselves.
  • People want to share their results.
  • Publishers cannot properly cite the exam unless they link to it.
  • To comprehend, individuals must try it for themselves. 

This link baiting test has generated 4,000 backlinks from over 300 referring domains. 

backlink report

b. 99designs’ Fundamentals of Color Theory

99 designs

99designs’ thorough guide to color theory has all the makings of an excellent piece of instructional content:

  • Well organized
  • Thorough
  • Includes examples
  • Easy to understand

The utilization of images, however, makes it so linkable.

Concepts are illustrated using simple yet eye-catching images. Like this one:

99 designs colour theory

Visual breakdowns aid readers in understanding an idea. This is one of the greatest resources on color theory available, as it combines graphics with a complete explanation. 

So, if a publication wishes to mention the idea without going into detail, they may link to this page to give their readers with a high-quality resource on the topic. 

This link baiting tutorial received 3.5k backlinks from over 750 referring domains. 

backlink report

c. JustPark’s Emergency Stop Game


The JustPark reaction time test is designed as a simple game. When you see the stop light, simply press the key to halt the virtual automobile. Then, you’ll discover “how old” your response time is.

Games like these function similarly to tests and quizzes. They’re entertaining, shareable, and educational. 

But this one has an extra bait factor:

It is a difficulty.

You enter the game with the expectation that it would be easy. Then…GASP. Your findings added seven years to your age! 

Not only is this informative, but it also elicits an emotional reaction. Now you’re pumped and can’t wait to see how your friends’ reactions compare. So you put the game online. As a result, the game is often referenced to. And attracts the attention of other websites and journalists.

This link baiting game has generated more than 6,000 backlinks from over 800 referring domains.

backlink report

Concluding Thoughts

Search engines adore links. The more links people see leading to your site, the more they trust and rely on it. When ranking websites for a term, search engines place a significant value on the number of backlinks, therefore the odds of ranking higher increase as the number of backlinks increases.

As a result, creating backlinks is a crucial step in the Search Engine Optimization process. And link baiting can assist you get more backlinks to your website. When constructing link baiting, use the above-mentioned hook that best suits your site’s and business’ goals.

Before you invest time generating content, determine the target demographic who will assist you in making your link baiting viral. One thing to remember is that there is no one-size-fits-all solution for creating effective link baiting.


a. What is Link Baiting and how does it work?

Link baiting is content created to attract attention and encourage people to link to it from their own websites. This method boosts the content’s visibility and search engine rating. Infographics, interesting blog entries, contentious articles, and interactive tools are all common examples of link baiting.

b. What are best practices for creating effective link baiting?

Effective link baiting material should be unique, high-quality, and useful to the target audience. It should elicit emotion, provide practical answers, or present novel perspectives. Furthermore, promoting the material via social media, email marketing, and outreach to influencers can boost its chances of being shared and linked to.

c. How can I measure the success of my link baiting strategy?

A link baiting strategy’s performance may be quantified using metrics such as the number of backlinks created, increased website traffic, social media shares, and engagement rates. Google Analytics, Ahrefs, and Moz can all assist you examine these indicators and determine the impact of link baiting on overall SEO success.

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