How to Manage Your Backlinks Effectively


Backlinks, often called incoming links, inbound links, or one-way links, are clickable links that point from one website to a page on another. Backlinks represent a ‘’vote’’ for a specific page as per Google and other search engines. In organic search results, pages with plenty of backlinks frequently perform better. In a sense, backlinks are website votes. Each of these votes informs search engines that the content is valuable, trustworthy, and useful. Therefore, Google and other search engines will rank your website higher the more of these “votes” you have.

The practice of locating and managing the links on your website’s backlink profile is known as backlink management. To track and organize your links so you can find places to develop new links for SEO, managing backlinks necessitates the usage of a backlink manager tool.

Importance of Backlink Management:

Importance of Backlink Management

Backlink management is crucial since it enables you to keep tabs on the consistency and calibre of links on your website. The link data you obtain from backlink manager software is a crucial SEO statistic for assuring and safeguarding your website while link building.

We have given below some of the reasons why should you manage backlinks:

  • Make sure the backlinks are of excellent quality in order to raise the rating of your website and prevent it from being devalued by low-quality links.
  • To determine if there are enough backlinks for your content to rank well on search engine results pages. The quantity of links you receive from other websites affects how Google views your site’s quality and authority.
  • Be aware of which websites or authorities are linking to your content so that you can reciprocate or remove the links hurting your website’s ranking.
  • To keep track of the content types that generate the most backlinks. You can change your content strategy as a result of this.

Metrics for Backlink Management to Monitor:

A number of metrics should be monitored when managing backlinks in order to gauge how well the linking URL is functioning. Your objective is to obtain backlinks of the best calibre from websites with the greatest page authority and domain authority ratings.

The following are the main elements you need to assess and keep an eye on with a backlink managing tool:

  • Type of backlink (e.g., contextual backlinks, image links, JavaScript links)
  • Linking property (do-follow or no-follow backlink)
  • Date of the first crawl of the link
  • Referring Domain Authority 
  • Citation Flow
  • Trust Flow
  • Spam Score
  • Site URL you want to use
  • Utilized anchor text (See this other guide on anchor text ratio for optimization tips.)
  • Estimated traffic for the backlink
  • Number of keywords for which the linking page is ranked
  • Is Google indexing the link?

How to Manage Your Backlinks?

Anchor text:

Anchor Text

The clickable or anchor text inside the article plays a significant role in your ethical link-building strategy. Examine the anchor text that the referring domain uses to link to your website carefully. The anchor text’s keywords should make it clear that it relates to your industry.

Consider getting a link from a website that offers tents, backpacks, and other such items to your website, which sells travel goods. Google will scan the anchor text favourably and move your site up the ranking ladder if the keywords are anything like “best travel gear to buy in 2021.”

Exact match terms shouldn’t be used, though, as they look contrived and spammy and can lower your page rating. Use long-tail variations of the phrase instead to prevent keyword stuffing and being penalized. Instead of just searching for “Christmas cookies,” try searching for “traditional Christmas cookie recipes.”Additionally, the anchor text shouldn’t contain words like “click here” or “click to download,” which are CTAs but don’t provide any context for the issue. Such anchor text is harmful to your website because it offers users minimal value and thus reduces the page rating.

Referring Domain:

The referring domain from which you are receiving the backlink is the following metric on the backlink monitor list. As previously said, in order to avoid punishment, the referring website linking to your site must be strongly relevant to your topic.

No matter how many links you receive from a single referring domain or from several, if they are not pertinent, they are not taken into account. In terms of page authority and rating, quality always wins over quantity.

It does important how many backlinks there are, but they must be relevant to the niche. This is because backlinks from sites that are relevant to your subject inform Google that your content is authoritative and that other websites are referring to it. Additionally, if the referring domain has a high domain authority score, the backlinks to your content will have even more significance.

For instance, if you receive a backlink from or, your material will go up the ranking list. Therefore, it’s crucial to consider both the quantity and quality of the referring domains while tracking backlinks. Keep in mind that backlinks from irrelevant and low-authority websites will harm your page ranking.

Dofollow and no follow links:

When evaluating the quality of backlinks, it’s also important to consider whether the majority of them are do-follow or no follow links.

Dofollow links instruct Google to track the referring domain and elevate it in the search results. As a result, your site has advantages if you discover that the majority of the backlinks do follow.

On the other hand, if you discover that the majority of the links pointing back to your website have no follow links, Google won’t transmit any link juice from them to your content, so you won’t receive any SEO benefits. Nevertheless, you might increase your organic traffic.

Make sure the ratio of do-follow to no-follow links is such that it gives your content the most link juice. You can try guest posting so that you can gently add a link back to your site if the percentage of no-follow links is higher on your site. Alternatively, if the referring domain is appropriate, you could ask for a do-follow link.

Link position:

The next step in backlink monitoring is to look at the link’s placement on the page. Google won’t consider the backlink to be important if it is positioned someplace near the conclusion of the article, in the footer, or in the sidebar. Users won’t fully scroll down or scan the sidebar to find links. Therefore, even if the backlink contains useful information, its usefulness is lost.

Analyze each backlink’s position as a result. The backlinks won’t be misinterpreted by the Google algorithm as being purchased or of low quality. Such links harm your website by causing a drop in page ranking.


PageRank is a Google algorithm that evaluates the quantity and quality of backlinks to determine the significance of a website.

Accordingly, on a scale of 0 to 10, the higher the PageRank score, the more authority your page has, and the greater the likelihood that it will experience an improvement in its ranking position.

You must look at the referring domains’ PageRank for better backlink management. You won’t gain much SEO benefit if the website linked to your site has a poor PageRank score. Therefore, to benefit from SEO advantages and rank higher, make sure the backlinks come from high PageRank websites.

Tools for Monitoring Backlinks to Improve Backlink Management:



Ahrefs is at the top of our ranking since it is one of the best tools for link development. It’s a really effective tool for link building where you can track backlinks and their source. Utilizing the Site Explorer tool, you can also examine the link profile of your backlinks.

You can check Ahrefs’ Lost Backlink option to see how you lost a backlink (404 errors, redirects, etc.). Additionally, you can monitor your backlinks more proactively thanks to its fast web crawlers. Disavow links before they hurt your site to avoid penalties.

SE Ranking:

I appreciate SE Ranking’s attention to detail when it comes to tracking your backlinks. From the tool’s dashboard, you may obtain a thorough summary of your backlinks. You can keep an eye on your links in real-time in this manner.

Additionally, you may view parameters and other SEO metrics from reputable SEO tools like Ahrefs Domain Ranking and Moz Domain Authority. In order to track the terms you are ranking for, it also displays the anchor text used for each backlink.

Backlink Manager:

A more recent link management tool,, automatically tracks the status of your backlinks as well as any cooperation you have with other website owners throughout link building. Additionally, if further action is required, this backlink tool will send reminders.

Sitechecker Tool:

Digital marketers that wish to monitor the effectiveness of their website can use the Sitechecker Tool to great advantage. It includes a selection of tools required for link construction. With the information it provides, you may fine-tune your SEO approach and identify the anchor texts that generate backlinks.

Google Search Console:

Google search console

Google Search Console is one of the greatest tools for checking backlinks. It is possible to effortlessly tag this free tool, which has a tonne of features and metrics, with your website. You may view your site’s most popularly linked pages, sorted by external and internal links, from the Links area in the sidebar. Additionally, you may look at which websites link to yours the most and determine if they have high authority and can raise your rating. You can also check to see if the top linking text makes your link appear spammy or is related to your content.



BuzzSumo is a fantastic tool for monitoring both your backlinks and those of your competitors. Using this monitoring tool, keep tabs on backlink updates, industry news, and mentions. In order to be informed even when you’re offline, you can set alerts.

Monitor Backlinks:

One of the most widely used programs for managing backlinks on the Internet is Monitor Backlinks. It enables you to keep track of each and every link, and you can view their current status as well as when they change or stop working. You may find out from Monitor Backlinks how your new backlinks affect your average keyword position and the Google traffic that you receive. Additionally, it notifies you through email when you earn or lose backlinks.



By reviewing and keeping track of crucial SEO metrics for your inbound links, Moz enables you to comprehend why your web pages are appearing in particular search engine results positions. In order to evaluate the caliber of the backlinks pointing to a website, Moz created the Domain Authority (DA) and Page Authority (PA) scores, which are widely used in the SEO industry.

Raven Tools:

For busy digital marketers and SEO organizations, Raven Tools positions itself as an economical SEO and SaaS reporting tool. With the help of its backlink checker program, you can swiftly examine any website’s backlinks, inspect them, and look for fresh link-building prospects. Other well-known tools like Moz and Majestic are used by Raven Tools to calculate SEO metrics.



Semrush features a fantastic Backlink Audit feature for keeping track of the health of your website’s backlink profile and identifying poisonous backlinks that can be harming your search engine rankings. In addition, Greg Gifford is the instructor of a free course on backlink management offered by Semrush. You can learn how to manage your own ongoing link-building effort by taking this course.

Know more about how we have increased the rankings of our clients. Click here.


Regular backlink monitoring is crucial. It prevents Google from penalizing your link profile. Regularly doing it will enable you to take the necessary action for links that threaten your website. You can monitor your backlinks more effectively and track the crucial metrics you need to make decisions by using our ideas and approaches. Backlink management will be simpler if the tools listed above are used. Track your backlinks right away to see whether you need to remove any of them.

Frequently Asked Questions

How are backlinks managed?

In order to manage your backlinks, you must first determine your link profile and then expand it by including fresh links. There are many strategies that can help a site get more links. Guest posting on well-known industry websites is the most well-liked and successful strategy.

Why are backlinks crucial for SEO?

Backlinks are crucial for SEO since they operate as a “vote of confidence” from one website to another. Search engines basically use backlinks as confirmation that other websites trust your content when they point to your website.

What are the 2 quality factors for backlinks?

 The factor that, in general, makes a backlink effective: Relevance. trustworthy and authority.

P.S. Read our Question Answer Blog here!

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