Anchor Text Optimization: Best Practices for SEO Success   

If you’re looking to improve your website’s visibility and drive more traffic to it, then optimizing your anchor text is an important piece of the puzzle. 

Anchor text refers to the clickable words or phrases that appear as hyperlinks on a webpage. When used effectively, anchor text can signal to search engines what your page is about and help it rank higher in search results. 

However, if used incorrectly or over-optimized, anchor text can harm your SEO efforts. In this guide, we’ll explore the best practices for anchor text optimization, including how to choose the right anchor text, where to place it, and how to avoid common mistakes. 

Whether you’re a seasoned SEO professional or just starting, this guide will provide you with actionable tips and strategies to help you achieve SEO success.    

Anchor text

Importance of Anchor Text 

Anchor text is an essential element of search engine optimization as it helps search engines understand the content of the linked page and its relevance to the search query.

Here are some reasons why anchor text is important in SEO:

1. Relevance

Anchor text provides context about the linked page’s content, making it easier for search engines to determine its relevance to a particular search query. 

The anchor text should include relevant keywords that describe the content of the linked page, which can help improve its ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs).

2. Authority

The anchor text used by other websites linking to your site can also affect your site’s authority and reputation in the eyes of search engines. 

If the anchor text contains relevant keywords and is used by authoritative websites, it can signal to search engines that your site is also authoritative and relevant to those keywords.

3. Link Building

Anchor text is crucial for building links to your website. When other websites link to your content, the anchor text they use can influence the type of traffic your site receives.


 Using relevant and descriptive anchor text can attract more relevant traffic to your site, improving its search engine visibility and rankings.

4. Spam Prevention

Anchor text can also help to prevent spam by signaling to search engines when a link is low-quality or irrelevant. 

If a link contains spam or irrelevant anchor text, it may be considered a low-quality link by search engines and could negatively impact your site’s SEO.

Overall, using relevant and descriptive anchor text is crucial for improving your site’s SEO by helping search engines understand the content of your pages, building authority and relevance signals, and attracting more relevant traffic to your site.

Anchor text and Google Penguin Update

anchor text

Google Penguin is a search engine algorithm update that specifically targets and penalizes websites for engaging in spammy link-building practices, such as using manipulative and irrelevant anchor text to artificially inflate their search engine rankings.

Here’s how anchor text is related to Google Penguin:

a. Anchor Text Manipulation

Before the release of Google Penguin in 2012, many websites would use manipulative tactics to increase their search engine rankings, such as keyword stuffing in anchor text or using irrelevant anchor text to link to their pages. 

These practices were penalized by Google Penguin, which aimed to promote high-quality, relevant content and links.

b. Over-Optimization

Google Penguin also penalizes websites that have an over-optimization of anchor text. Over-optimization occurs when a website has too many links with the same match anchor text, which looks unnatural and manipulative to search engines. 

It’s important to have a variety of anchor text types and to use anchor text that is relevant to the linked page.

c. Quality over Quantity


The Penguin update emphasized the importance of quality over quantity when it comes to link building. 

Instead of trying to acquire as many links as possible with manipulative tactics, websites should focus on acquiring high-quality links with relevant and descriptive anchor text from authoritative and trustworthy sources.

  • In summary, Google Penguin targets websites that use manipulative and spammy link-building tactics, including the overuse of exact-match anchor text or the use of irrelevant anchor text. 
  • To avoid being penalized by Google Penguin, websites should focus on acquiring high-quality links with relevant and descriptive anchor text from trustworthy sources.

Types of Anchor Text

a. Branded

Branded anchor text refers to the use of a brand name as the clickable text in a hyperlink, rather than a generic or keyword-rich phrase. 

For example, if the brand name is “Marketing Lad,” the branded anchor text might be “Marketing Lad“.

Types of competitors

Using branded anchor text can be beneficial for several reasons. First, it helps establish brand recognition and reinforces the brand’s identity. Second, it can help improve the brand’s search engine rankings for its name. 

Finally, using branded anchor text can also help prevent over-optimization penalties from search engines, which can occur when too many links use the same keyword-rich anchor text.

However, it’s important to note that a natural mix of different types of anchor text is typically best for a website’s overall SEO strategy. 

  • Overusing branded anchor text can make it appear as though the website is only interested in promoting its brand, which can look spammy to search engines.
  • Therefore, it’s important to use a variety of anchor text types, including branded, generic, and keyword-rich, in a natural and balanced way.

b. Exact Match

This anchor text is a type of hyperlink that uses the exact keywords or phrases that match the target web page’s content as the clickable text. 

In other words, the anchor text is an exact match for the target web page’s main keyword or phrase.

For example, if a web page is about local phone service and a hyperlink with the exact match anchor text “best mobile phones” is created, clicking on that hyperlink will take the user directly to the webpage about the best mobile phones.


Exact match anchor text was previously a common strategy used in search engine optimization (SEO) to improve the target web page’s ranking for the corresponding keyword or phrase. 

However, search engines have now evolved and can identify spammy or manipulative SEO tactics, including the overuse of exact match anchor text. Therefore, it is now recommended to use a diverse range of anchor text and focus on creating high-quality content.

c. Partial Match

Partial match anchor text is a type of hyperlink that uses variations of the target web page’s primary keyword or phrase as the clickable text. Unlike exact match anchor text, partial match anchor text contains additional words or phrases that modify or expand the primary keyword or phrase.

For example, if a web page is about “best mobile phones” and a hyperlink with the partial match anchor text “top-rated smartphones” is created, clicking on that hyperlink will take the user to a webpage about the best mobile phones, but using a slightly different phrase.

  • Partial match anchor text can provide more context and relevance to the hyperlink and target webpage while also avoiding over-optimization or spammy tactics. 
  • However, it is important to maintain a balance and not overuse partial match anchor text, as it can still be considered manipulative by search engines.

d. Related Keywords

Related keywords anchor text is a type of hyperlink that uses keywords or phrases related to the target web page’s main keyword or theme as the clickable text. 

This type of anchor text provides additional context and relevance to the hyperlink. Target webpage while avoiding over-optimization or spammy tactics.

For example, if a web page is about “best mobile phones,” related keywords anchor text could include phrases such as “top-rated smartphones,” “latest mobile devices,” or “cell phones with the best cameras.”

  • Using related keywords anchor text can help create a diverse range of anchor text, which is beneficial for both users and search engines.
  • It can also help the target webpage to rank for a broader range of related keywords.

e. Naked Link

Simply displaying the URL of the target page is called naked anchor text. 

This approach isn’t instrumental in helping users or search engines understand the content of the linked page. It can also disrupt the user experience by appearing spammy and unprofessional.

The only situation where naked anchor text may be acceptable is when citing sources at the end of an article, but even then it’s better to use the page title as the anchor.

Here’s an example:

Learn seo

f. Generic

One of the most commonly used types of anchor text is generic anchor text, which is frequently employed for ads and CTA buttons. 

This type of anchor text often contains phrases like “click here,” “read more,” or “buy now” that are easily recognized by users.

g. Images

It is often said that a picture can convey more meaning than a lengthy description. In addition, an image can also function as an anchor. 

However, it is important to remember to provide a detailed description of the image, as search engines rely on it to comprehend the image’s content.

Best Practices For Anchor Text

To ensure the effective use of anchor text, it is important to adhere to several best practices.

  • Firstly, the anchor text should be relevant to the linked page, as irrelevant text can confuse both users and search engines. 
  • Secondly, it is recommended to vary the usage of anchor text as repeatedly using the same text can appear spammy.
  • While we may not have control over external sites’ anchor text, keeping the anchor text concise and natural is advised.

It should accurately describe the linked page and be enticing to the user. Lastly, stuffing keywords into anchor text to manipulate search engines is not recommended, as it can lead to potential penalties. 

How to Optimize Anchor Text for SEO?


a. Use Relevant Anchor Text

The anchor text must be related to the information on the linked page. Using generic terms such as “click here” or “read more” provides little context to search engines and users. Instead, use descriptive text that accurately describes the linked page’s topic. 

For example, if you are linking to a blog post about “How to Optimize Your Website for Search Engines”, the anchor text should be “search engine optimization” or “SEO tips” rather than “click here“.

b. Vary Anchor Text

Repeatedly using the same anchor text can appear spammy to search engines. To avoid this, vary the anchor text for each link while keeping it relevant. 

For example, if you have multiple pages on your website that are related to “search engine optimization”, use different anchor text for each link such as “SEO best practices“, “SEO strategies“, and “SEO tools“.

c. Keep it Concise

Long anchor text can look unnatural and spammy. Try to keep the text to a few words or a short phrase. 

For example, instead of using a long sentence as anchor text such as “Click here to learn more about SEO and how it can help your business rank higher on search engines”, use a shorter phrase such as “SEO benefits” or “SEO advantages”.

d. Use Natural Language

Avoid stuffing keywords into anchor text to manipulate search engines. Instead, use natural language that accurately describes the linked page’s content.

For example, if you are linking to a product page on your website, use anchor text that describes the product’s features or benefits, such as “durable and long-lasting” or “affordable and high-quality“.

e. Internal Linking

Use anchor text to link to relevant internal pages on your website. This helps search engines understand the hierarchy and organization of your content, and can improve user experience by providing easy navigation. 

For example, if you are writing a blog post about “The Benefits of Digital Marketing“, you can use anchor text to link to other related pages on your website such as “SEO basics” or “Social media marketing”.

Optimizing anchor text for SEO is an important part of on-page optimization. By using relevant, descriptive, and natural text, you can improve the visibility of your website in search engine results pages and provide a better user experience for your audience.

How to Add Anchor Text?

To add anchor text, you need to follow these steps:

  • Identify the page or content that you want to link to.
  • The text that you wish to utilize as the anchor text should be highlighted.
  • Click the hyperlink icon in your text editor or content management system (CMS). This may be represented by a chain link symbol or the word “link”.
  • In the popup window, enter the URL of the page or content that you want to link to.
  • Enter the anchor text that you want to use in the “Text to display” field. This should be relevant, descriptive, and concise.
  • If available, select the option to open the link in a new tab or window.
  • Click “Insert” or “OK” to add the link to your content.

Alternatively, you can also add anchor text manually by using HTML code. Here’s an example:

<a href=””>Anchor Text</a>

In this example, “” is the URL that you want to link to, and “Anchor Text” is the text that you want to use as the anchor text. You can replace these values with your URL and anchor text as needed.

By following these steps, you can add anchor text to your content and improve the user experience.

How to Find & Fix Anchor Text Issues?

Anchor text issues

a. Conduct an anchor text audit

Use a tool like Ahrefs, Moz, or SEMrush to conduct an anchor text audit of your website. This will help you identify any instances of over-optimization or irrelevant anchor text that may be harming your SEO.

b. Check for broken links

Use a broken link checker tool to identify any broken links on your website. Broken links can harm your user experience and reduce the effectiveness of your anchor text.

c. Analyze your anchor text distribution

Use a tool like Ahrefs or SEMrush to analyze the distribution of your anchor text. This will help you identify any instances of over-optimization or unnatural anchor text usage.

d. Optimize your anchor text

Once you have identified any issues with your anchor text, start optimizing it. Use relevant and descriptive anchor text that accurately reflects the content you are linking to. Avoid over-optimization and irrelevant anchor text.

e. Fix broken links

Once you have identified any broken links, fix them by updating the URL or removing the link altogether.

f. Monitor your progress

Monitor your anchor text usage and rankings over time to see if your optimizations are making a positive impact on your SEO.

By following these steps, you can find and fix any anchor text issues on your website, which will improve your user experience and SEO performance.


Optimizing anchor text is a crucial aspect of SEO success. By following the best practices outlined in this guide, including using relevant and descriptive anchor text, varying your anchor text usage, and avoiding over-optimization, you can improve the user experience and search engine rankings of your website. 

Remember to also conduct regular anchor text audits and monitor your progress over time to ensure that your anchor text optimization efforts are paying off. With these best practices in mind, you can effectively optimize your anchor text and achieve SEO success.

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