Beyond direct sales and leads, SEO conversions are more. Take a look at these numbers to see how valuable SEO can be for your business.
SEO analytics and conversions go far beyond a single sale or pipelined prospect.
They include:
- Subscribers to newsletters and SMS services who make purchases.
- Initiatives to win back lost clients or those who have already discovered you.
- Attracting applicants to your job listing sites lowers the cost of acquiring new personnel.
You won’t see the full picture of your impact on the firm if you only pay attention to direct conversions.
Here are some examples of metrics you might not be utilizing, but that could be an excellent method to demonstrate to your organization your genuine value as an SEO.
- CPM Revenue
- Candidate Acquisition
- Win-back Campaign
1. CPM Revenue
You understand the significance of CPM and CPC revenue if you’ve worked on news websites, are a blogger, or create video content.
Although getting people to visit the website or channel is crucial, there might be bigger gains. The first is raising page views per visitor.
And if you don’t have to target the most challenging long-tail keywords, this is an easy victory for SEOs and makes your job simpler.
Here is one instance. Let’s say there are two phrases that drive 1,000 and 600 visits, respectively, to your website.
Because more eyes equal more CPM revenue, the advertising team will desire a higher number. But doing that might not be a good idea.
The 600-visitor term is preferable because it is more profitable if the 1,000-visitor term has a page view rate of 1.25 and the 600-visitor term has a page view rate of 2.5.
While the 600 visitor phrase term generated 1,500 pageviews, the 1,000 visitor phrase term generated 1,250.
Additionally, if there is less competition for the phrase due to lower traffic, it might be simpler for you to rank. Don’t stop there, either. Examine the real CPMs.
Check the CPM rates if they both had an average of 1.5 pageviews each visit. Perhaps the CPM for the 1,000 phrase is $5, whereas the CPM for the 600 phrase is $8.
The additional $3 adds up. Additionally, it can advance further.
Do you utilize affiliate links in your publications?
Check to see what the user’s purpose is on the page.
Assuming that the CPMs are equal, the 1,000 phrases will once again be in the lead.
The 1,000-word article might be interesting to read or amusing to hear. The CPM may be the main source of revenue because of this.
There will probably be further affiliate income if the 600-term traffic is “how to” or shopping-related, or if the user will need a product or service.
Consult the affiliate relationship manager and find out how much money is generated by the affiliate links rather than basing your choice on traffic, page views, and CPMs.
When you factor in eight $20 or twenty $200 commissions, a $5 CPM is nothing. The shorter phrase is more appealing because it generates both CPM and affiliate commission income.
Publishers are pursuing large phrases rather than the big picture if they base their advertising sales and revenue decisions on pageviews and CPMs.
Much more money can be made. Additionally, keep in mind that visitors to these pages may sign up as SMS and email subscribers to generate long-term revenue.
2. Candidate Acquisition
Talent acquisition is expensive and difficult. The job posting needs to be seen by the appropriate people and stand out on job boards.
But what if you could remove some roadblocks so that applicants could speak with the HR department or hiring manager directly? That is yet another metric that SEOs ignore.
Look at the Careers page on your website and set up a conversion in your analytics program for submissions and applications.
then start optimizing that particular website area. If the job is local, adding location-based information, job posting schema, and category-based content about your hiring sector should be quite simple.
In the careers section’s marketing area, you can write about marketing positions.
Mention local gatherings or communities to join, along with how your business sponsors and encourages staff members who are actively learning through these activities.
It offers the copy more substance and encourages candidates to apply because the business encourages career advancement.
3. Win-back Campaigns
As SEOs, we have access to data and frequently change the content on website pages. Product managers and customer service logs fall under this category.
Additionally, the fact that you work in marketing as an SEO gives you a significant edge over other employees.
You can combine information on products and customer service, then make an integrated marketing strategy for the email and social media advertisements teams to better manage win-backs.
How to do it:
- Ask the customer care representative how consumers use the products or when they are informed that the product is more versatile than they initially anticipated.
- Ask the product managers if it is acceptable to disclose these uses in public. If you obtain the go-ahead, add the features and functions that clients weren’t aware your business offered to the product pages and specs sheets.
- Discuss how frequently individuals inquire about these with the email and social media ad teams.
Give them the go-ahead to launch win-back marketing for clients who fit the profile of the people who are asking and responding but have not converted yet.
This can also apply to folks who haven’t done any shopping in a while and are unaware of advancements in the product or service.
If you have exit surveys, look to see if the use was one of the reasons they left your brand.
And these talking points can be used as “bait emails” to try and get someone who started checking out but never converted.
As a bonus, if these features and services are in demand, you may find a higher conversion rate on your product detail pages.
Check to determine if the use was one of their reasons for leaving your brand in any exit surveys you may have.
Additionally, you may use these talking points as “bait emails” to try and convert someone who started checking out but abandoned their cart.
As an added bonus, you can observe a better conversion rate on your product description pages if these features and services are in high demand.
This can happen when you discuss pertinent applications for your good or service that the customer could have needed but wasn’t aware you offered.
Then, to establish authority on the issue and promote conventional SEO conversions, you can write blog posts and develop a new content silo.
The conversions that were missed in this case were email and win-back sales that resulted from your SEO work as well as possible conversion rate gains from the modified product pages and spec sheets.
Considering the Big Picture
For CPMs, SEO conversions encompass more than just sales, prospects, and traffic.
Consider how your skill sets can help the rest of the business as you start to assess the entire significance of your position as an SEO.
If you do this properly, you can discover that you have more money available for tools and engineering spending.