Landing Page Size Guide: Boost Your Conversion Rates

A landing page, also known as a “lead capture page,” “single property page,” “static page,” “squeeze page,” or “destination page,” is a single web page that loads after selecting an online advertisement, marketing campaign, or search engine-optimized search result.

It serves as a focused platform for users to take specific actions or engage with the advertised content. Ensuring an optimal landing page size, as outlined in the landing page size guide, is essential for a seamless user experience and effective online marketing campaigns.

  • A landing page typically features targeted sales content that aligns seamlessly with the advertising, search result, or link that led the user there, ensuring a cohesive user experience.
  • The primary goal of landing pages is to generate leads by encouraging visitors to complete a specific action, such as filling out a form or signing up for a newsletter.
  • The effectiveness of an advertiser’s campaign is often measured by the conversion rate, which is determined by the actions visitors take on a landing page.
  • Landing pages can be a standalone single page within the main website of an organization, part of a microsite, or both, depending on the specific goals of the campaign.
  • Good landing pages are optimized for fast loading times; slow pages can deter potential leads and negatively impact conversion rates.
  • Effective landing pages use clear, compelling calls to action (CTAs) that guide visitors towards the desired action, making it obvious what steps they should take next.
  • Personalization and A/B testing are key strategies used on landing pages to better meet the needs of the target audience and optimize conversions by testing different versions of content and design elements.

Landing pages are often linked to social media, email campaigns, search engine marketing, high-quality articles, or affiliate programs to enhance the efficiency of advertisements. It’s crucial to proofread landing pages meticulously to ensure they effectively convert visitors into leads or customers, as this is their primary function.

If the objective is lead generation, the landing page will include a way for visitors to contact the company, such as through a phone number or an inquiry form.

For transactions, the landing page typically features a link that, when clicked, takes the visitor to a shopping cart or payment page. Marketers track the success of an advertisement by analyzing metrics such as click-through rates and conversion rates from the activity generated by this link.

A Virtual Private Server (VPS) environment can provide greater scalability and resources compared to shared hosting. This allows for enhanced flexibility and the capability to manage higher traffic loads and more substantial landing pages.

What Size Should A Landing Page Be?

Even for an experienced designer, picking the right landing page size may be a challenge. All site designers struggle with it, but developing landing pages puts a special emphasis on it.

The ideal size for a landing page varies based on its purpose. For straightforward actions like newsletter sign-ups, a concise page often works best, keeping content focused and the call-to-action clear.

For more detailed offerings, such as software downloads or product sales, a longer page that thoroughly explains benefits and addresses potential questions might be more effective.

Regardless of length, the key is to ensure that your page loads quickly, ideally in 2 seconds or less, to maintain visitor engagement.

When designing your landing page, consider how it appears across different devices. A responsive design that adjusts to the size of the user’s screen is crucial, ensuring the page looks good on both desktops and mobile phones.

For mobile users, who are used to scrolling, longer pages can be appropriate, but always place the most important information and call-to-action above the fold or where it can be easily seen during scrolling.

Testing different page lengths and formats can help you find the optimal design for your specific audience and conversion goals.

landing page size

What should the pixel size of my standard landing page be?

a. Size of a Desktop Landing Page

When scaling your landing page, it is simpler to target the lowest common denominator because of the wide variety of sizes and resolutions available for desktop and laptop monitors. Although typical screen sizes are increasing, most monitors have a resolution of at least 1024 by 768. On practically every computer monitor, desktop landing pages with a 960-pixel width will display properly.

  • Upon page load, any landing page content that fits within the 720-pixel height will safely appear on the screen.
  • Because desktop visitors may scroll down the screen to read more material, the width of a desktop landing page is far more significant than the height.
  • You may always reduce the size of the page and give up screen space.

b. Making Designs for Mobile Devices

A huge desktop landing page won’t display properly on a mobile device since the material will either flow over the side or get too small to read. Mobile devices have “small” screens in the 320-pixel safe resolution width range.

  • Even while some mobile devices have bigger displays, most mobile devices can display landing pages that are intended for a 320-pixel width.
  • Similar to desktops, the height of mobile landing pages is less important, but you may fit 426 vertical pixels’ worth of material on the screen at once.

c. Make Tablet Devices Specific

Custom landing pages can be created for tablet websites, however, bigger tablet devices will accommodate desktop landing pages with a 960-pixel width. Landing pages intended for 960-pixel-wide displays will scale down by around one-third to fit on the smaller tablet screen with screens typically in the 7-inch to 10-inch range.

  • Designing tablet landing pages with a 640-pixel width and 480-pixel height will work on all devices since you can fit smaller material on a bigger screen without compromising quality and readability.
  • The 640-pixel width may handle both screen sizes since smaller tablet users may choose to hold the device in landscape mode while bigger tablet users may want to use the device in portrait mode.

d. Consider using responsive design

By using media queries and the notion of responsive design, how to create a website that dynamically rearranges information to fit the size of the visitor’s screen rather than creating separate landing pages for each type of device, landing pages with responsive designs may be set up to shift and resize content according to the resolution range being used, enabling content to look good on any screen.

Why is choosing the right website image size for the landing page so crucial?

responsive design

You might be wondering why carefully considering the size of your website’s images is crucial. Essentially, the dimensions of your website’s images significantly influence how professionally and credibly you are perceived by others.

Any first-time visitor will immediately click away from a website if any element, especially the landing page, appears out of place or is structured improperly. Scam websites are widespread, and establishing confidence online is already challenging. It will be much harder for you to do so if the site picture size is incorrect.

On the other hand, if you select the appropriate picture size for your website, it will instantly provide any new viewers with a favourable impression of your brand. It will encourage them to come back or at least help your brand’s reputation expand through word of mouth. Therefore, it is crucial to take into account the picture sizes for websites while developing the entire website, particularly the website landing page.

Landing Page of Marketing Lad

The below screenshot shows the landing page of Marketing Lad.


Create the Best Landing Page Images

Below we have shared some tips to get the best landing page images and increase your conversions:

a. Images and Page Performance

The size of the landing page photos, particularly when using stock photos, is a crucial aspect that impacts the page’s performance. Large image files from stock photo collections can significantly slow down how quickly the landing page loads in a prospect’s browser. The slower the page loads, the greater the chance that the prospect will leave before seeing your offer, resulting in a missed opportunity for conversion.

Google’s Free PageSpeed Insights Tool allows you to test all of your previous landing pages (as well as all of the graphics on those pages).

b. Choosing the Image Dimensions

The size of the image will be the main hindrance to page performance. A common practice is for users to submit very huge images (say 2,000 by 2,000 pixels) and then use HTML to ‘size’ them down to 200 by 200 pixels. The issue here is that the browser is still downloading a 2,000×2,000-pixel picture. Which is ten times more than it needs to.

To avoid needing to resize in HTML. You should make sure your picture more closely resembles the proportions you’ll see on screen. Remember that most desktop pages are only 900–1200 pixels wide, so you should avoid seeing images with dimensions above 1,000.

c. Resize the Image on your Landing Page

There are several online and offline tools available for this. The free Online Photo Editor from is one of our favourites.

Use the “File” option at the top of the screen to open an image file or URL first. Next, pick “Image size” under “Image” in the top menu. A popup asking for your preferred measurements will open. Keep “Constrain proportions” selected to prevent the image from appearing squashed. Once you’ve selected the ideal picture size. Just click “Save” in the “File” option to save the image to your computer.


d. Image Dimensions for Social Networks

When resizing your photographs, you should check to see whether they are ready for social sharing. There are certain requirements for picture dimensions on each social networking site.

  • Facebook advises that photos be at least 600 by 315 pixels.
  • Only images that are larger than 60 × 60 pixels are advised by Twitter.
  • Images for LinkedIn should be no larger than 180 x 110 pixels.

When someone shares your landing page on social media, these are the photos that will be used. You can perceive their significance.

A nifty tip is to consistently track your mentions across the web with a brand monitoring tool. Also, with a screenshot API tool in place, you can screenshot social media posts or comments and store the final images on your preferred cloud storage screenshots

e. Image Compression

To speed up the loading of your page, you should compress your photos. Now that they are the proper size and style.

f. Create Image Alts

You must set the alt tag after you have an image on your landing page. For readers who cannot see the picture, the image alt tag provides descriptive text about the image.

Additionally, alt tags improve SEO. Scanning the keywords from your alt tags enables search engines to better understand the substance of your photographs. When you modify or choose an image on the majority of content management systems, you may specify your alt tags.

What is Responsive Landing Page Design?

Responsive design pertains to landing pages that can adapt to the dimensions and angle of the device. 

  • Essentially, a responsive landing page is capable of modifying its arrangement! Font size, pictures, and other components to suit the screen size of the device. 
  • This feature enables users to access content on any gadget. Whether it’s a desktop, tablet, or smartphone, while still enjoying the best possible viewing experience. 
  • By using responsive design! Marketers can ensure that their landing page can be accessed and utilized on all devices without needing to create different versions for various screen sizes and orientations. 
  • This not only improves the user experience but also has the potential to aid in search engine optimization because having a single, responsive landing page is favoured over having separate versions for desktop and mobile devices.


We have given a detailed outline of how you can optimize the size of your landing page. It is one of the most important factors for improving your conversion rates. You can follow this guide to increase your conversions.

Additional Notes

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