When you post your content on another website with the main objective of obtaining a backlink. It is referred to as guest blogging or posting. To get the most out of guest posting, which is a high-effort job, you need a well-thought-out approach.
In order to boost the visibility of your business, create high-quality backlinks, and position oneself as an expert in your area, guest posting is a great strategy. Yet asking to publish an article on a website is not as straightforward as it would seem.
In this article, we are going to cover everything you need to know about Guest Posting and the importance of guest blogging for building links, boosting revenue, and increasing traffic to your website.
What is Guest Post Outreach?
The practice of approaching other websites or blogs with a request to publish a guest post prepared by you or someone you represent is known as guest post outreach.
Guest posts are articles or blog entries that are authored by someone other than the owner or editor of the website where they will be published.
When performed properly, it may place your brand in front of your ideal audience, but when carried out wrong, it may result in the loss of critical time and resources.
Guest posting should not be confused with link insertions or specialized modifications. Although there are some similarities, it’s a totally different creature.
Your guest articles should establish you as an expert in your subject and provide readers with a cause to contact you. You don’t want people to just appreciate your stuff. You want them to follow up on it, as well as you.
To do this, you must create actionable, high-quality content. It cannot be very self-promotional. The finest guest pieces are journalistic rather than promotional.
Always have that in mind when searching for possibilities to guest write. When you can demonstrate how your requirements, their needs, and the needs of their audience are compatible, bloggers are more ready to give up control of their websites.
According to a Moz analysis, guest posting is considered one of the best techniques for building high-quality backlinks. Guest posting is the finest link-building tactic, according to the poll, which found that 18% of SEOs share this opinion.
People write Guest posts to:
- Get beneficial backlinks
- Boost brand recognition
- Establish yourselves as an industry leader or authority
- Increase traffic to their websites
Why is Guest Post Outreach Important?
Guest blogging has a number of benefits for any organization. By sharing your knowledge on the websites of other firms, you may position yourself as an authority figure in your industry, create partnerships with other thought leaders in your sector, and expose your brand to an altogether new audience.
Some of the major benefits of guest posting are listed below:
1. Build New, Strong Relationships
The basis of blog outreach is networking, which guest blogging enables you to do. When you get in touch with other bloggers and websites, you might develop partnerships with them.
You’ll build your credibility as an informed source by offering value to your audience. More chances may arise as a result, including prospects for partnerships and backlinks.
When you write a guest post for another person’s website or blog, you have the chance to reach a new audience, show off your knowledge and skills, and promote your brand or company.
Building new, lasting connections with people and companies in your field may be achieved via the use of guest posting.
2. Build Quality and Natural Backlinks
Backlinks are connections between websites that originate from one another. Google and other search engines use backlinks as key ranking criteria. In other words, they utilize it to decide whether a website is worthwhile enough to suggest to visitors.
The performance of a site in the SERPs can be enhanced via backlinks (search engine results pages). High ranks in search engine results are the result of quality backlinks, which tell Google that your material is worthwhile.
External connections are also more credible since they show authority from other sources. It’s common practice to provide at least one link back to your website while posting as a guest.
When establishing your rankings, search engines take into account the quantity and quality of links leading back to your website. You have extra opportunities to get more natural backlinks via guest posting.
3. Increase Brand Awareness
If you want to increase brand exposure, guest writing may help you in a variety of ways. As an example, you don’t have to rely exclusively on website traffic to tailor your brand to a certain demographic.
One of the most significant advantages of guest blogging is that it allows you to develop your brand as a trusted expert on relevant issues.
A great method to develop your authority in your field and differentiate yourself from the competition is through guest posting. With that said, strive to include as much educational information and helpful advice in your piece that your audience is unlikely to find elsewhere.
The ability to expand your network of followers outside your present network is made possible by brand awareness, which offers you access to audiences you would not have otherwise experienced.
Your search engine ranking will improve as a result of guest blogging. Locate bloggers in your niche who can connect to your blog utilizing the articles you publish for them.
Creating high-quality content also facilitates the development of connections with key opinion leaders and business titans in your sector who can assist spread the word about your work via their networks.
This increased exposure has the potential to boost brand identification and sales over time.
4. Increasing Referral Traffic
One of the primary advantages of guest post outreach is the opportunity to boost traffic to your website. When you publish a guest post on another site, you may include a link to your blog, which can be a great source of referral traffic.
As traffic to your website increases, your company’s web pages perform better in search engines. Furthermore, when you have hyperlinks in several guest posts, search engines deem your material valuable, which will help you reach the top of the SERPs.
5. Boost Your Domain Authority
Domain authority is a metric developed by Moz that assesses a website’s strength and authority. It has a scale of 0 to 100, with higher scores signifying greater authority and dependability.
High-quality guest blogging on sites with high to medium authority may get you a DA of 60+, according to SEMrush. Spammy, average guest articles, on the other hand, will get a score of approximately 40. Low-quality content will almost certainly receive a score of less than 40, harming your brand’s rating.
As a result, you should limit your blog writing to mid-tier and high-authority websites. In this approach, your greatest efforts as well as some passable (but not outstanding) material are published.
To optimize the benefits of guest posting for domain authority, focusing on producing high-quality, unique material that readers will find useful is critical. It would be best to target websites with a high domain authority that are relevant to your topic.
How to get started with guest posting
Guest writing is an excellent way to boost your visibility and authority in your niche while also driving traffic to your own website or blog.
Now that you understand why guest post outreach is important, let’s take a look at how to do it efficiently.
1. Define Your Goals
The first step to beginning a successful guest blogging strategy is to set realistic, quantifiable goals. These goals may have to do with how well your website performs, like raising its position in search engine results. Or it might have to do with business, like generating more leads or connecting with more potential customers.
Whatever it is, you would need a clear understanding of every goal in order to create a strategy for carrying it out and achieving it.
Your objectives may now differ from those that are most common. To develop your own, you can, however, start by knowing some typical objectives shared by most firms if you are unsure of where to begin.
Typically, guest blogging has the following objectives:
- Increasing traffic to certain landing pages to generate more leads and sales
- Increasing the visibility of your brand about your goods or services
- Developing inbound links or “backlinks” will improve SEO optimization.
- Boosting the amount of social media fans and email subscribers
- Being able to establish yourself as an authority in your niche
In the end, you will need additional high-quality content on the guest post websites that will take care of all of this on your behalf. So, it will be easier for you to develop the material effectively if you have one or two particular goals in mind.
2. Choose a Website That Will Appeal Your Audience
The first step in the art and science of guest blogging is to choose the best guest posting platforms. Now, if you publish anywhere, you might be able to get some traffic from it.
Search for websites that provide excellent, educational material and have a readership that might be interested in your content.
Understand the site’s audience and content by researching it. Examine their social media pages, most popular pieces, and any previous guest posts they have written. This will enable you to customize your pitch and give your audience something of value.
You can have trouble serving your niche or establishing your brand authority without referrals from authoritative websites. Also, there are strict requirements for quality on many blogs that allow guest pieces.
As soon as you have a list of potential guest posting websites, screen them to determine which ones are worth their salt. To get significant results, it is crucial to knock on the appropriate doors.
- Find guest posting websites
- Investigate the website using Google search.
- Search on social media
- Engage in online communities
- Promote on your previous guest blog
This could create prospects for future guest posting.
3. Research and Prepare Pitches
Now, It’s now time to consider how you’ll pitch your guest post ideas. The editor must be the primary audience for your content when you propose it to them. Keep in mind that every day, editors receive hundreds of pitches for guest blogs. If you want to effectively submit a guest article, you must stand out from the crowd.
There are a few ways to achieve this:
- Make links with the editor by learning more about them and their work (their social media might help).
- Instead of outlining your objectives focus on the value you can bring to the audience.
- Read the instructions before you enter.
- An appealing subject line can improve your guest post pitches in addition to aiding with email marketing. Moreover, a lot of editors prefer to respond following a follow-up, so be sure to follow that practice. Moreover, you may consider an SPF record checker to keep communication with editors safe from email security threats.
- If you want to establish a positive working relationship with the editors, respect their time. You must be aware that reading, subvocalizing and evaluating articles requires time. Therefore be careful not to come out as impatient in your pitch or follow-ups.
- Be sure there are no errors because editors will probably delete your post if they discover any. Give the editors no reason to believe you paid attention to your pitch.
- Be concise and direct in your communication. Tell the editors about yourself and the inspiration for your writing. Also, emphasize how relevant your postings are to the audience and offer a selection of original ideas.
4. Create Perfect Content
After hearing back positively from the bloggers or editors, you’ll start writing the article. You can keep it up with the following advice, but this requires correct structuring.
- Write with a certain purpose in mind: You can’t properly create your material for improved outreach if you skip this phase. You also run the danger of diverting traffic from the guest post website to a pointless page on your website. This is why you must prepare to direct the audience towards a particular objective.
You may, for instance, offer freebies like a free eBook. Also, you can now either construct a landing page that includes a link for the eBook’s download option and an email subscription form.
Alternatively, you can write content as a guest on websites that are related to your eBook. Then you may direct the audience to your eBook by including links to the eBook’s download landing page in those posts.
Nobody will click on posts that have nothing to do with them, therefore it shouldn’t be random. As a result, when writing the material, you should have a purpose and the appropriate audience in mind.
- Follow the website’s guidelines: The website where you’ll be publishing a guest post will typically have its own rules on guest posting. To prevent having your draught rejected, strictly adhere to following instructions (this can happen).
In addition to ensuring that your work will be accepted, following to the rules will cut down on the time required to handle any revisions the website’s editor may make.
- Choose unchanging topics: Even while guest posting does not provide immediate results, you can benefit from it for years to come. This is why you choose to publish pieces about subjects that will be current for many years to come.
Once it is released, disregard it and treat it as a long-term investment. While the development will appear to be minimal daily, you do not need to spend hours tracking it.
The ideal blogging technique is to let your posts grow properly. This can be done in several ways. To improve your guest post’s search engine ranking, you must first check that the appropriate keyword phrases have been used throughout.
Second, when you’re writing, consider how this piece will enhance the reputation of your brand. To encourage more people to leave comments on your guest post, always give room for conversation. This helps establish the authority of your brand and is advantageous for SEO.
- Stand out among the crowd: Your objective as a guest blogger is to address a reader-friendly topic or question. You won’t be able to build your expertise in the field until that time. You’ll need to do a lot of research for this, but you should also think of your own original perspective on the subject.
In addition, creating engaging and compelling headlines, adopting a well-organized professional blog format, and writing about timely, evergreen subjects are all excellent strategies to increase visibility.
Also, you should employ visuals to authenticate the material with eye-catching photographs and videos and make your content simple to skim.
5. Track Results and Repeat
You may analyse the major metrics of your guest post using tools like SEMrush and Google Analytics. In this manner, you may determine the performance of your blog entries based on reach, backlinks, interaction, and the number of referral visitors.
This is also effective if you want to enhance inbound traffic to your website.
Any blog post’s success is dependent on a few things, including:
- Bounce rate and the total number of visitors to the blog post
- The duration of the average session indicates how long users stay on your blog article.
- the number of social media shares for the post
- The frequency of visits and page views
- The effectiveness of a blog post is determined by the growth or decline in the number of subscribers.
If you are aware of all these findings, you may examine the backlinks, the number of article shares, and historical data to discover more about your top guest posts.
Guest Post Outreach Templates
You can save time and make sure you’re using a tried-and-true strategy by using templates for your emails asking for guest posts. Templates can also keep you organised and help you monitor your progress.
While using templates, it’s crucial to customise them for the particular website and target market you’re working with. Avoid employing templates that are too general and don’t take into account the site’s specific needs and interests.
Template 1: I Love the Way You Write
Hello (first name),
(your name) here with (your blog title).
Since I’ve been reading your site for a long, I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate all you do. I truly like the things that you said, (Insert excerpt here/link of the blog)
We work in the same field, so I thought it would be nice to get in touch. These are a few of my works that you might find interesting.
(Work links/portfolio links)
I was wondering if I could participate and write for your blog. I have some topics in mind that are suitable for your blog and have less keyword difficulty. I am 100% sure if you publish our guest post the post will rank as soon as the post is indexed. Let me know if can share those topic ideas with you.
Thanks (Your Name)
Template 2: What are your thoughts on “Blog Idea”?
Hello (first name),
(Your name) here from (your blog title).
I was reading your post on (Topic) and I truly liked what you mentioned. (Insert a blog link). I was thinking that since we’re both aiming for the same niche, collaborating would be ideal.
What are your thoughts? Is it anything you’d like to talk about? Let me know and we will figure something out.
Thanks, (Your Name)
Dos and Don’ts of Guest Post Outreach
These are some dos and don’ts that every guest blogger should be aware of in order to keep the pitching process effective.
1. Be Direct: Your outreach emails should be brief and straightforward. It’s critical to keep in mind that a second person is reviewing your emails and making the decision on whether to use your post behind the scenes.
The site owner you’re contacting will better understand your pitch if your emails are brief and to the point, and you’ll spend less time worrying about whether or not they’ll use your content.
2. Research the Site’s Audience: Articles that are pertinent to their intended audience are posted by blog owners. You must conduct thorough research on the target site’s readership as a guest poster to make sure your post is appropriate for them.
Don’t send the same content to many blogs while pitching articles, as well. Although it can be tempting to make minor adjustments to each copy so that they are relevant to each website, doing so degrades the piece’s quality. Instead, develop original material for every outreach.
3. Provide a Sample of Your Work: Without submitting samples of your work, you wouldn’t apply for a position. In order for site owners to understand what they are working with, you should be prepared with examples of your writing abilities before applying for a job via guest posting. Even better, you could supply the website you’re presenting with pertinent examples of your work.
Most blog owners will have guidelines available for guest writers. These rules may also include illustrations of the kinds of posts they welcome and reject, as well as requirements for:
- Concept originality
- The blog’s voice and writing style
- The blog’s voice and writing style
- Guidelines for internal linking
Your chances of having your work accepted significantly increase if you provide examples of your work that currently adhere to these requirements.
1. Be Lengthy: Site owners are busy and don’t have time to read an especially lengthy email explaining how you found their blog and why you need this guest writing opportunity.
Use empathy and persuasion in your email outreach to take advantage of the longer attention span.
2. Reach Out to Irrelevant Sites: To rank better in Google, relevance is essential. Backlinks from relevant websites let Google know what your site is about and give your content more authority.
Locating high-quality websites for guest writing will help you focus on better-linking chances and limit your outreach. Links to other websites should also make sense when seen from a human perspective.
Write about subjects you are familiar with as well. Keep in mind that blog writers are subject matter experts for the articles they publish. They can tell a topic that has been hastily researched from a mile away. A superb blog article can be guaranteed if you concentrate on subjects you are already familiar with.
3. Promoting Pages via Links: The usage of promotional links from other websites is not advised for blog owners, and this is a crucial piece of advice.
By posting informative and useful content, blog owners expand their audience. They might experience a decline in website traffic if they suddenly begin offering services that their audience is not yet prepared to read about.
Also, using a lot of affiliate links can make you appear spammy.
You must not ignore the essential role that guest blogging plays in content marketing. With the appropriate strategy, you can boost your site’s domain authority, drive more traffic, and raise brand awareness.
If you want to concentrate more on leads and sales than just content production, having a team of skilled writers will be quite helpful.
To be successful with your outreach for guest blogging, it’s necessary to keep trying. Frequently, outreach for guest posts may get lost in a flood of emails or ignored by busy website owners.
You may increase your chances of success and build beneficial relationships with website owners in your niche by taking the actions described above.